Google's Challenge To Microsoft:

Today's Quote: Having a dream is what keeps you alive. Overcoming the challenges makes life worth living.

We are all familiar with the two titans in the field of Computer technology. They are Google and Microsoft. There seems to be a cold war happening between these titans.

Google is planning to introduce a fast, simple and secure computer operating system that is designed to work well on the web. This operating system is named as Google Chrome OS.

Google Chrome is an open source, lightweight operating system that will initially be aimed at netbook PC's. There is also plans to implement it in PC's.

Google said the operating systems that browsers currently run on were designed in an era when there was no web.

Users of Chrome OS can also look forward to a minimal user interface to make room for web-based interactions and a secure architecture.

"We are going back to the basics and completely redesigning the underlying security architecture of the OS so that users don't have to deal with viruses, malware and security updates," said Google.

Google Chrome OS is based on a Linux kernel, it will run on both Intel and ARM chips, and is aimed at enabling all web-based applications to work automatically.

Google has gradually been increasing the number of its web-based applications, such as G mail and Google Docs, based on premise that these applications will replace traditional software.

Microsoft holds 90% of market on net book PC operating system. Now Google is likely to give away this Google Chrome OS for free or nominal charge as is developed from a free and open source kernal, and larger goal surely would be to shut Microsoft out the Netbooks market.

To download Google Chrome web brower Click here

It has hardly been two days since Google announced the Google Chrome OS and now its screen shots have been leaked on the web.

Chrome OS
Chrome OS
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