Google Adsense New Updation

Today's Quote: Having a dream is what keeps you alive. Overcoming the challenges makes life worth living.
Today April 2nd Google have updated their email notification preferences services.In addition to the newsletters and surveys messages now you are likely to receive messages like personalized optimization tips, webinar and event invitations, and news about special promotions and giveaways.

But this option is completely based on our own choice.We can visit the Preferences page to confirm your selections.

Some features include:

Customized help and performance suggestions
Receive suggestions from members of the AdSense team for changes you can make to improve performance and earn more from your site.

Receive newsletters with optimization tips, best practices, and other information to help you get the most out of your Google AdSense account.

Google market research
Receive invitations to test new features, surveys about Google AdSense, and
opportunities to provide feedback about your experiences.

Special offers
Receive news about AdSense promotions, events, and giveaways.
Information about other Google products and services which may be of interest to you
Receive news and special offers from other Google products such as coupons from Google AdWords and other offers will benefit you.
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